Saturday, September 5, 2009


by Ari Collns

I killed you again, yesterday, in Psych 283. I told Professor Noonan my paper wasn't done because you'd overdosed. During last semester's Calc final, an SUV crushed you. I cry with every telling, even two years after you actually died. And two years since I've written a paper. If there's a somewhere, somewhere you're laughing.


Jackson said...

Great story and great revisions (from the draft in the forums). I liked the original title, but the story is still fantastic.

Ari Collins said...

Thanks. A lot of people seem to like this one. I spend so much time with them I can't tell anymore, so I appreciate it!

Allie said...

What a powerful story in so few words. Wow.

Ari Collins said...

Thanks, Allie!